With the heavy snow and very wet winter we've had I'm glad the cold tempetures are finally over.
Stay cool everyone I'll have an update for you about the projects shortly.
Here are some helpful hints to help save money and resources.
Notice to advertisers, If you would like to put a link on the site I can do so. (for a small fee of course. Hey I have to get the money for the project somehow.) Please use this contact page for details.
Thanks, hope the year is prosperous and safe for everyone

A few reasons to use solar power and alternatives.
Savings Every Month. A solar electric system (PV) powers your home so you use considerably less electricity from the public utility.
Protect yourself against Rate Hikes. Offset energy prices and unpredictable rate hikes by generating your own free power.
Protect The Environment. Most electricity is generated by burning coal that emits pollutants into the atmosphere. Solar electricity comes from the sun. It's not giving off any greenhouse gases
Increased Property Value. Solar is a great upgrade that makes your home more desirable and valuable.